Leading Pharmacy College in Nashik
When you join Sandip Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences (SIPS) at Sandip Foundation, you are joining one of the top pharmacy colleges in Nashik and indeed the best pharmacy college in India. At SIPS, the approach to Pharmaceutical Sciences is far ahead and beyond the mere drug information which other institutes deliver. We have taken the humanitarian approach and inculcation of value based teaching and delivery system ensures our graduates adopt ‘humane’ approach in innovating, thinking, designing and delivering next generation of drugs to cure ‘future problems’. Our courses have been designed after consultations with leading pharmaceutical companies in India and around the world. Our core curriculum includes drug discovery and design, drug delivery, drug action, clinical sciences, drug analysis, cost effectiveness for medicines and regulatory affairs. The cutting-edge program helps you get prepared for not just today but get geared up for entire life.
Campus Life
We Provide Excellent Library, Laboratories ,Classrooms, Gymnasium Facilities, Hostels, Canteens etc

Approvals & Accreditations

What Followers Are Saying About Us
Gushing in-person gratitude… You've been so helpful.

Ms. Shreya Ahirrao, Department of pharmaceutical sciences.
Ms. Shreya Ahirrao, Department of pharmaceutical sciences.Patience, Persistence and Perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success. This teaching were given to me by SIPS college I got my road way through the guidance and support of College Currently I am pursuing my MBA from Mitcon institute of Management. I also received internal scholarship to Dubai where A debate competition was held at British Imperial University Dubai which focused on topic Use Digital Currency VS Paper currency in the economic Development of pharma industry. The participants were judged by a panel comprising of Principal of Imperial University and Assistant directors of Board where I got outstanding performance award.

Pankaj Pandurang Vanve, Department of pharmaceutical sciences.
Placed in –Alembic Pharmaceutical, 2022“I have always been interested in pharmaceutical sciences from a very young age. This is why I decided to join the Sandip Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences to pursue my career in pharmacy. The training and exposure that I received here helped me to land a fantastic job offer from Alembic Pharmaceutical during annual placement drive. I am really grateful to my professors for their excellent guidance and the efforts of the training and placement officer that helped me land a job offer from such prestigious companies”.

Saylee Ashok Pawar, Department of pharmaceutical sciences.
Placed in – WNS Global Services Pvt Ltd . 2022Today I feel proud on my decision to take graduation and post graduation course from Sandip Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences. SIPS helped me to improve my personal and professional skills and developed me according to pharma market requirement. I got placed in one of the leading BPO .WNS Global Services Pvt Ltd and this made possible only because of the education and training which I got from SIPS. My sincere appreciation and gratitude to the training and placement department and staff of SIPS for their excellent guidance and their efforts in imparting qualities which makes us to be prepared to take on challenges and responsibilities and become successful in life.

Neha Manoj Mantri, Department of pharmaceutical sciences.
Placed in – Genecht pvt. Ltd .Navi Mumbai, 2022I always wanted to make my career in the field pharmacy, & I really glad that I decided to pursue my master's degree from Sandip Institute of Pharmaceutical Science, Nashik. SIPS helped me to improve my personal and professional skills and develop me according to Pharma market requirements. I got placed in one of the leading CRO Genecht pvt. Ltd. My sincere gratitude to the training & placement department and staff of SIPS for their continuous guidance and efforts.

Harshada Umesh Bagul, Department of pharmaceutical sciences.
Placed in – Raptim Research Pvt. Ltd. Navi Mumbai, 2022I am Harshada Umesh Bagul from the Sandip Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nashik. I am feeling very delighted because Sandip institute training and placement cell has given me the opportunity to do my career in my choice of company Raptim Research Pvt. Ltd. Navi Mumbai. I express my heartfelt thanks to the Training & Placement team of Sandip Institute . On behalf of all the students who are placed from pharmaceutics department, I express my gratitude to the college for giving us a great start in our career.
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