Intake: 60 Seats
he service as such which is observed as one of the most essential one of medical practice is always guarded and assisted by the medication services. That is depicted by pharmaceuticals and the educational setup implies the Pharmacy academia. The bachelor course is Pharmacy where SIPS poses in a brilliant infrastructure and seamless teaching benefits which not only teach students the syllabus but also educates value of life to construct our students in future citizens. It includes various departments like Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmacology and Pharmacognosy. Knowledge and skills thus secured by the students make them verse to work in varied sectors of private and government domain. Pharmaceutical industry which is involved in Production , Quality Control / Quality Assurance and Marketing offers job opportunities to B. Pharm candidates. Government jobs, department of Hospital pharmacy in India and abroad are also available. The competitive exams for the state and national level can be taken up and one can enjoy as drug inspector.
Pharmaceutics is the branch of pharmacy which includes the study of formulation of a drug into a dosage form. It is a branch which imparts the knowledge required to meet the responsibilities to formulate uniform, safe and standard dosage form. Pharmaceutics involves study of different types of dosage forms. It also deals with the technology involved in large scale manufacturing of the dosage form. The department of pharmaceutics is one of the key departments of the Institute and state of the art facilities to undertake research in drug development and delivery. SIPS is well equipped with required number of Pharmaceutics laboratories and Aseptic room for sterile formulations. We are offering quality education and conducting innovative research in Pharmaceutics. Department has different mills and machineries which are in accordance with the industrial requirements.
Pharmaceutical Chemistry
The Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry plays a vital role in developing a student into a true Pharma Professional. The Department is well equipped for both teaching and research activities. Without chemistry it is impossible to understand anything in pharmacy completely, as everything has chemistry base and this department helps in understanding the practical aspects of chemistry related to pharma field. The basic part like identification of various organic & inorganic compounds by qualitative & quantitative analysis is taught to students. The knowledge in the field of modern instrumental techniques is given. Also basic research in identity, purity, content and stability of starting materials, excipients and active pharmaceutical ingredients is carried out. The facilities are also extended to the determination of the drug level in blood of patients for therapeutic monitoring and stability studies of drug and formulations.
Pharmacology is the study of the interaction of drugs with living systems. Pharmacy students study pharmacology to learn the effects of various doses of medicinal substances as well as the different ways in which medicine can be introduced into the body. Generally, animal tests are required to learn the strength of drugs. Pharmacology department deals with the pattern of drug treatment and mechanisms of drug action. With the study of Anatomy, Physiology & Pathophysiology, Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacy and Drug Interactions, the focus is to elucidate the complexity of drug therapy while the laboratory sessions enable students to comprehend the various parameters useful for the analysis of drug action. At SIPS we are conducting practical’s like Bioassay, short procedure experiments, computer stimulated experiment (Interactive session). Department is fulfill with Audio visual teaching aids facility Like Over Head Projectors, LCD projectors, animal simulation experiments are used to teach undergraduate students.
Pharmacognosy is the very old and still having development potential among the various branches of Pharmacy. The subject is mainly concerned with the study of drugs obtained from the natural sources like Plant, Animals, Minerals, Marine and Microorganisms. The Dept. of Pharmacognosy is well established with the modern equipment’s and Dedicated faculties. The department also aimed in the standardization of various formulations used in the different indigenous systems of treatment like Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani, for which the standardization of finished products are very less. It has a collection of verities of medicinal plants, most of which are either rare or extinct. The drug museum in the Department is having sufficient number of crude drugs. The herbarium of the Department is having a collection of some specimens. We also have a Medicinal Plant Garden which is enriched with a variety of medicinal herbs. It has also some advanced instruments and equipment’s for various pharmacognostical and Phytochemical Studies. The Pharmacognosy Department have some herbal specimens related to the syllabi of the students. The scientific activity of the Department comprises the teaching and research of pharmacognosy, phytochemistry, phototherapy.